Has your life been impacted by a surprise pregnancy?
No matter your past or what you are going through, whether you choose to parent or place for adoption, we want to walk with you.
When you join this support group, you will: meet weekly for 12 weeks, be encouraged by women who have walked in your shoes, make new friends and receive a baby shower in your honor. Yes-- we are here to CHEER YOU ON, BRAVE ONE!
Together, we can ensure no single mom or dad has to walk alone. Get involved — whether it be leading, donating, or using your talents to serve our upcoming group!
At this time, we are currently in the middle of our 12-week support group with some special moms! But don't worry--there are still many ways to get invoIved!
We have a special opportunity for our CCO family to bless our Embrace Grace moms and their babies!
Gifts will be sent directly to Calvary Oxnard for convenience. Our team will gift wrap each item for you!
If you would prefer to drop off diapers and baby wipes, please write your name and contact information on the item and bring them to the front desk of the Main Building of Calvary Chapel Oxnard (2001 Eastman Ave.) during business hours Tuesday-Friday or on a Sunday morning.
Our dream is for every young woman who experiences an unplanned pregnancy to have a safe place to turn to for healing, hope and help in the oxnard/ventura/camarillo area.